Programs and Resources

东区教育和培训中心为东区社区提供各种各样的项目和资源. 我们很自豪能与组织合作,带来最有利于圣安东尼奥东区的资源.

Classes and Resources

Continuing Education

Continuing Education 


十大网赌正规网址官网继续教育(CE)部门为工作和教育发展提供加速行业技能培训. Back to School in Your Backyard. 

CEWebsite     View Schedule

Adult Education

Adult Education

Adult Education.png

所有成人教育高中同等学历(GED®)课程的学生必须填写兴趣表(见以下链接)。. Once you have completed the form, the Adult Education staff will follow up with you on your next steps. 跟进包括重要的更新和其他信息,这将有助于你做出决定,追求你的GED®和其他学术/职业目标.

Adult Education Website High School Equivalency (GED)
SA Ready To Work




Ready to Work is a free 教育和就业安置计划,通过提供获得高薪工作所需的培训和/或证书,使你能够建立你想要的生活. 


  • San Antonio resident – Check your residency »
  • 18 years or older when applying for the program
  • Permitted to work in the US
  • Annual household income is less than 250% of the federal poverty guidelines »
  • 愿意接受与障碍、学术、技能能力和工作准备相关的评估
  • Committed to completing the program

Visit Our Website

Business Resources

Skills for Small Business

Skills for Small Business


十大网赌正规网址官网区是TWC小企业技能赠款的骄傲合作伙伴. 通过德州劳动力委员会(TWC)小企业技能项目, 高达200万美元的技能发展基金专门用于德州商业社区的中坚力量——我们的小雇主. 小企业可以向TWC申请十大网赌正规网址官网区提供的培训. TWC处理申请,并与学院合作,资助企业为其员工选择的特定课程.

Learn More

Onsite Partners 

Stand Up SA
City of San Antonio Metro Health Dept. Stand Up SA aims to reduce the occurrence of violence by:
  • Interrupting the direct transmission and spread of violence.
  • Identifying and changing the mindset of potential perpetrators.
  • Changing community norms regarding violence.

工作还侧重于将高危青年纳入案例管理计划,将高危个人与相关有效资源联系起来, services, and support groups within the community.
Telephone: 210-207-8780

Visit their Website

Dual Generation
“双代计划”是一个前所未有的全社区解决方案,它协调了其合作伙伴的专业知识,这些合作伙伴带来了数十年为儿童和家庭服务的经验,帮助他们找到安全的住房, education, child care and employment. 我们正在通过消除障碍和使家庭获得更大的稳定和成功来创造希望.

Visit their Website

Goodwill Reentry Services

善意重返社会服务机构了解个人在被监禁后重返社会所面临的独特挑战, from reconnecting with family to finding employment.

We provide training and the supports needed to attain employment, make a living wage and avoid re-incarceration.

Visit their Website

Each One Teach One
Each One Teach One是一个非营利组织,致力于通过提高成年人的读写能力来提高他们的生活质量. 我们为居住在圣安东尼奥和邻近城市的成年人提供免费的一对一和小组辅导,以准备GED®, English as a Second Language (ESL), and basic reading, writing, and math.

Visit their Website

Freed Texas

我们的愿景是建立一个更大的美国社区,让曾经被监禁的人在精神上得到恢复, high-performing, fully committed to living crime free, and have been set free from their negative stigma.

我们的项目将继续致力于开发结构和实践来衡量结果并复制成功. 我们期待完成3个群组并举办许多活动,以继续提高对影响累犯问题的认识. 

Visit their Website

Community Resources 

Farmers Market

Day:  Wednesday

Time: 11:00 am - 12:30 pm.

Register on-site on the day of the Market.

Sponsored by The San Antonio Food Bank



Pop-Up Market Food Distribution

Day: Third Thursday of every month 

Time: 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Upcoming dates:

Thursday, April 18

Thursday, May 16

Community Clothes Closet

Day: Monday – Friday:

Time: 9 am - 4:30 pm

Donations are also accepted during these times.

All sizes are accepted. 

We are in desperate need of boys' and men’s clothing.


EETC Community Clothes Closet 2023.jpg